Pickleball Spring 2025 Registration

Pickleball is back!!
As the spring weather creeps in, we are excited to announce our Spring Pickleball offerings!
Before we dive in with a long but informative email, in light of recent executive orders, we want to reaffirm our unwavering support for the diverse communities within BARS, with a particular emphasis on our transgender, nonbinary, and queer members. Our community remains a welcoming and inclusive space for all who wish to be a part of it. If you need additional support, please feel free to reach out to Desi Brown (DEI Commissioner), Max Italiaander (DEI Director, Open), or Olivia Lee (DEI Director, WTNB+).
We have 3 leagues to offer this spring and we are thrilled to offer a brand new location! As always, please read through this info carefully as we are changing things up a bit both in how our teams will be built and how registration will work.
Before we list the seasons, there are a few topics to take note of and a few changes in how we will conduct registration this season.
Vet Status
For our social and Competitive leagues this season, we will be offering early registration to any player from our 2024 Fall Season who attained “veteran status” by attending at least 5 out of 8 weeks of play. If you attained vet status, you will receive an email with a registration code. This code should not be shared with any other player. Doing so will result in cancellation of registration.
BIPOC Registration
In line with all of our BARS sports leagues, and in order to promote diversity and inclusion in our community, we will be offering an early registration opportunity to any player who idenitifies as Black, Indiginous, or persons of color.
Buddy Sign-ups
This season, teams will be randomized in all of our leagues. Every player will register independently. You do, however, have the option of registering with a buddy that you will be placed on a team with. You will be asked if you would like to list a buddy when you register but that person must ensure they register to secure their own spot.
Sunday Social League
Open to all players of any gender and skill level. This league is intended for anyone who would like to play pickleball including those who have never played before. While matches will be scored and season standings recorded, this league will stress the social aspect of the sport over competitiveness.
- Dates: 8 weeks starting March 16th (no play on March 23, April 20, May 18)
Time: Sundays 11:30am-4pm
Location: John Jay College in Manhattan (59th st. and 10th Ave)
Cost: $140
Registration format: Register solo or with a buddy. Teams of 4 will be formed
Format: Each team will have 1 hour of playtime per week
- Open play time included every week
Registration Dates:
- Veterans: March 5th @ 6:00PM
- WTNB, BIPOC: March 5th @ 8:00PM
- Open: March 6th @ 6:00PM
For any questions, you may reach out here.
Sunday WTNB+ League
Open to Women, Trans, and Non-Binary+ indentifying persons of all skill levels. While matches will be scored and season standings recorded, this league will stress the social aspect of the sport over competitiveness.
- Dates: 8 weeks starting March 16th (no play on March 23, April 20, May 18)
Time: Sundays 5pm-8pm
Location: John Jay College in Manhattan (59th st. and 10th Ave)
Cost: $145 (higher fee reflects increased playing time compared to other leagues)
Registration format: Register alone or with a buddy. Teams of 8 will be formed randomly but you and your buddy will be placed on the same team.
Format: Each PLAYER will have a full 1 hour of playtime per week
- Open play time included every week
Registration Date:
- Trans, Non-Binary, BIPOC: March 5th 8:00PM
- Open: March 6th @ 6:00PM
- Open: March 6th @ 6:00PM
For WTNB+ specific questions, reach out here.
Tuesday Competitive League
For players of all genders who know the game of pickleball well, including all rules and the strategy required to play at a more competitive level.
- Dates: 8 weeks starting March 25th
Time: Tuesdays 8-11pm
Location: Gotham Pickleball in LIC (first stop off Manhattan on the 7 train)
- Cost: $150 (higher fee reflects increased playing time compared to other leagues)
Format: All teams will have 1.5 hours of play time per week.
Registration Dates:
- Veterans: March 11th: @ 6:00PM
- WTNB/BIPOC: March 11th @ 8PM
- Open: March 12th @ 6PM
**This league is not appropriate for beginners who are just learning the game of pickleball
For any questions, you may reach out here.
By participating in any sport or event operated by BARS, players agree to the following: